As we enter the Seven Thunders the King speaks! (1) THE MIGHTY ANGEL this is the majestic Christ representing the entire God Head all wrapped up in one! Look at Him in (Rev. 10! also Rev. 1:16!) (2) Clothed with a cloud means "supreme deity!" (3) The Rainbow! God's promise! And the seven revelative spirits of God in the Son (Rev. 5 :6) - The Rainbow on his head shows the beginning and the fire on his feet shows the ending! The whole picture of the Mighty figure shows how God counseled and manifest Himself to man for 6,000 years! Rev. 10: 1-11 (4) His face was as it were the sun! All power is given Him. (Matt. 28: 18) It is the sign of the King releasing a royal message! And judgment from His heart! A creative message of final authority! The Lion of Judah (Jesus) (5) In Rev. 5:9 He was given a sealed book of scrolls. The "Little Book" in the original Greek means rolls in His hand! Christ was given the seven sealed book of scrolls and opened them! Now in (Rev. 10) He stands with the revelations of God open. The little book of Scrolls. (6) Then His right foot upon the sea and His left foot upon the earth the Mighty Conqueror is ready to possess it, and showing that His message has now went world wide! (7) Next the Lion Thunders - The Royal anointing begins, He means business (time is short! ) The Sealed messages were mixed with mercy and wrath, the Lion roars and it thunders a prophetic message of swift judgment. He cried and seven thunders Uttered their voices. The 7 spirits of God go into action Rev. 5:6 (Here comes a secret.) In the 7th Seal (Rev. 8:1) "there was a silence!" No wonder, because He left the throne and here He is crying with a loud voice on earth! (Rev. 10:3) The last time He cried with a loud voice Lazarus came forth! (St. John 11 :43 - Then at the Cross again! And many saints came out of the grave!" Read (Matt. 27: 50- 5 3) Watch carefully" the resurrected Saints in (Matt. 27:53) walked among the believers 3 days after Jesus was resurrected and before He came back to the disciples. (For another secret read scroll #11 – part 2 under the title of "Will God open some graves.") (Rev. 10 - no doubt shows the rapture, the saints message and when Christ possesses the earth the Tribulation! Also it thundered when a message was released on Mt. Sinai (Ex. 20:1-18) "But later the same message that was spoken was written. (Ex. 34:28-29) Spoken first then written. (8) And when the Seven Thunders uttered John was about to write. But a voice said seal up the things the Thunders uttered and write them not. (Rev. 10:4) What doeth this mean? It means they were sealed and not written and would be spoken by God in a Prophet and written in our day! The Lord waited until our day to speak and write the mysteries, so satan would not take pre-advantage of Gods plans of the secrets in the seven Seals and Thunders. The main theme of the Rainbow Angel was "secret events" (time limit) no doubt here in the Thunders was where God hid some important dates! That were not to be written until the end. (Scrolls!) John was told not to write the message (Rev. 10:4) So satan would not know until now. If satan would have known what was spoken then, he could have tried to spoil the rapture and other dated events of God's plans! (But it's to late now) Because in (Rev. 10:6) it says after the seven Thunders that time shall be no more. (9) But in the days of the voice of the 7th angel when he begins to sound, the mysteries of God should be finished Rev. 10: 7 (almost over) The seventh angel (here) is Christ incarnate in a Prophet with the pillar of fire speaking and revealing the mysteries of God! The Lord tells me a major prophet has spoken and gone. (scroll #14) But who is the written witness of the message of the Little Book of Thunders? Maybe we will know by the end of this article. (10) And the voice from heaven said to John cake the Little Book - "Scrolls" and John took the little book (scrolls) and ate it. And it was sweet in his mouth (pleasant) but as soon as he ate it, it was bitter to his stomach! When God's message was first given it had salvation joy, but when finishing up, upon the earth it has bitterness! (judgment) Also the Word and anointing are so strong the carnal nature becomes upset. It is a c1eansin~, purging message! "Anyone who has read my scrolls knows also there is a certain feeling about them." In Ezekiel (1: 28) it was the same way after God in the Rainbow appeared to Ezekiel. On the scroll God gave him was written woes, lamentations and mournings. (Ezek. 2: 10) When Ezekiel ate the scroll it was in his mouth as sweetness, but when he prophesied he declared that he went in the bitterness of his spirit! (Ezek. 3:1-14) and the angel said to John thou must prophesy again! (Rev. 10:11) This had a future reference it means there is a double prophetic witness to the same original message of the Little Book. The Thunders echoes this! Also after Ezekiel finished speaking Daniel came to the Lion Kingdom of Babylon! The message was a written one on the wall saying time is up 0 king. Dan. 5: 24-28 And I Neal the writer of the scrolls say AMEN! Time is up!
Time up - Get ready to meet your Saviour

Thursday, 24 July 2014
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