- And already spoken (revealed by a prophet) (all except the 7th Seal. It is a message ushering in the beginning of the 7 Thunders Rev. 10:4 - The capstone anointing and end time ministry!) What I am doing in (Rev. chapter 10) is explaining secrets of a written message now going forth. Now we saw in Rev. 10 a Little Book appeared opened with the Seven Thunders! There was a spoken and written message in the 7 Seals and the 7 Thunders! A prophetic message, swift deliverance and woe prophesying that time is short. (Rev. 10:4) Somewhere between the time the little book of scrolls are seen and the Thunders the rapture takes place. And that judgment is soon to begin under the two witnesses! (Rev. 11: 3 ) After Jesus opens the little book of scrolls the Trumpet angels prepare to sound Rev. 8:6 Blending into (the 3 severe woes. Rev. 11: 14) ready for the 7th Trumpet to sound! When the seven "last vial plagues are poured Out," and the angel said it is done! (Rev.16:17) Below on the next part of this scroll the 7 Trumpets sound and we see the last scenes on the earth, when God says BEHOLD I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW!
Time up - Get ready to meet your Saviour

Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grace. Show all posts
Friday, 25 July 2014
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