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- But first let us consider Gen. chap. 5 concerning longevity! Gen. 5:4-5, "reveals Adam lived to be 930 years old. Verse 3 reveals he was 130 years when he begat Seth. And way later up in the years he had more sons and daughters! - Verse 8 reveals Seth lived to be 912 years old, also beget ring children after he was hundreds of years old! - And Noah himself was 500 years old before any children were born! (Gen. 5:32) - And if his wife was pregnant at 3 or 4 hundred years old, it surely is an amazing event for us to look back upon, but it is true!" - "We may ask the question, did they hold their looks. Why, sure, women hundreds of years old still having babies would still look nice and very young looking; likewise the men! - According to the Scriptures, in the flood women 2 or 3 hundred years old were having sex with teenage men. We will prove this with Jesus' statement in a moment!" - "Evidently Adam and Eve held their looks quite well until the day they died! But it was a proven fact that the longer men lived, the more wicked they became. The Cain seed evidently did not have quite the longevity of Adam's seed, so evidently they began to inter-mingle with the opposite 5eed in order to lengthen their children's lives. And also giants were produced, but the whole thing didn't work! God's judgment came!" To be continued
Brother Frisby wrote and I quote: “The nations will be in a major inflationary recession world wide, all over the continents economists agree on one thing – the good old days of lower prices are vanishing! Economic collapse is coming on a worldwide basis, threatening France, Great Britain, South America, Africa, Greece, Spain, Asia, and the U.S.A., etc. Who will listen and watch?” “The world as a whole will not listen, neither will many of the lukewarm systems, but those who are called out into the elect will listen and they are doing so now especially those on my list! – All of my partners tell me how excited and encouraged they are about the anointed literature and how it really lifts them up and helps them in the miraculous; to build faith and to reveal what’s ahead!”–“Besides bringing salvation and deliverance to the people today, the most important message is to reveal the soon return of the Lord Jesus and to be also ready!”
Some of the most perilous times lie just ahead. This has been one of the most awesome and unusual weather years. Most of the country, especially the East Coast has been under severe cold weather. The western part of the U.S.A. is in severe drought. These are the prophecies that Brother Frisby wrote and spoke about in the Scrolls. As I write this letter two major eclipses that I wrote about are happening. A total solar eclipse (March 20,2015) as well as the third blood moon, a total lunar eclipse, on April 4, 2015, which is also on the Jewish Passover. All of these amazing events are happening at this most strategic time. Here is one of the most amazing prophecies seen in a vision by William Branham in 1933. He saw four people sitting in a car facing each other and the car was driving itself; a driver-less car. In the vision it was shown to him to be near or at the end of time. Brother Neal Frisby was born in 1933. He wrote “Shape of Things to Come – Computerized Cars” and saw the same type of event in a
driverless car looking like a teardrop. Low and behold President Reagan stepped out of a car described by Brother Frisby as a teardrop. There was no driver. An experimental car going down the California highway, video taped and on the world news. It is now being announced that a driverless car is being created some think in less than 2 years. Major companies are involved in this such as Google and Apple and several major auto companies for the total technology that will be needed. Technology is advancing for total control of the earth and it’s people. Brother Frisby wrote and spoke that the digital age is the final chapter leading to Armageddon. It will totally take over the minds of the people, especially the youth. They’ve adapted to this technology and are unable to function without it. – Watchman, watchman, what of the night? These are previews of the things to come and happening as we speak!
"As foretold by Dan. chap. 8 and Rev. chap. 13 the Scriptures reveal a new super confederacy will surface in Europe. According to prophecy a 'Little Horn' will rise and bring this under control including the Middle East, eventually sitting in the 'Jewish Temple' claiming that he is God!" (II Thess. 2:4) "This personality is alive now only awaiting the proper time to manifest! - The Ten Kings and the Common Market will play a great role in the coming events, so will Israel! - Profound events on the Scrolls have already revealed world shaking events, but in the future even more events will occur that will literally shake the foundations of society preparing the way for new changes!" - "The handwriting is on the wall and the world dictator shall have power over all kindreds, tongues and nations!" (Rev. 13:7) - "You say what about the U.S.A.? Well we have written this in order to bring out our next article!"
Ezek. 16:49-50 lists the six sins of Sodom!” . . . “Behold, the first sin was
pride, to the point that they were proud of the deeds, their defiance of God, their wealth. Their gay community was inferior to none! – Satan in them was proud of all he had accomplished!” – “Second, the fullness of bread – So much so, that they denied God. It was a city which lived to eat, drink and be merry on various intoxication! – Their future was running out, for on the morrow they would die!”…“Third, the abundance of ‘idleness’ in her and her daughters! It was easy to make a living in the cities! And in modern times people are working shorter and shorter weeks with more vacations!” – “Evidently this will increase more as the age ends because of the electronic age – computers and robots. – More time will be given to idleness! Wherein they will seek new thrills and pleasures, passions as not seen since the days of Sodom, coupled with new types of drugs that will appear!” – Note: “Years ago I foresaw man creating new types of aphrodisiacs that people were smelling out of a bottle or tube! – It was about the same time that I saw women putting something in their eyes to change the color of them! We found out later that it was color lenses to change brown eyes to blue eyes, red, violet, green and etc! – I did not understand it all at the time, but we see it going into effect now. – Many
inventions of pleasure are being prepared as the world sinks into complete delusion. If you do not have Scroll #165, write for it.
In the last few paragraphs it also reveals the trend like unto Sodom!”
Fourth – “They didn’t care anything about helping anyone. If some of them were starving, it didn’t make them any difference.
They were blinded to anyone else’s needs spiritually or otherwise!” – Fifth – “And they were haughty. This speaks of arrogance and complete contempt of others! – They would take no instructions from anyone including the angels that visited them. As wicked as
Lucifer is, he is proud, and these people were forming into his image; defiance of the Most High! The world will enter satanic worship through the anti-Christ! No one could enter through the gates of the cities unless they agreed with their mark of sin! –
Their morals were in reverse, bestiality, strange flesh, gay and this included a hundred other different type of passions including
sorcery, sacrifices and idols!” – Sixth – “They committed abominations, therefore the Lord took them away. They were wholly committed to their vices! – They were in unbridled passions 24 hours a day! There is not enough space to reveal it all but you can read Gen. 19:4-10 and Rom. 1:26-27 for a complete description of these unspeakable conditions in their time, and is starting to exist more so in our age!” – “We see the end time modern church in similar conditions!” (Rev. 3:17), “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; (haughty) and knowest not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and
poor, and blind, and naked.” – “But like Sodom, fire and brimstone will come out of heaven on them in great atomic destruction!”Click Here to read more!
“The signs of the last days are actually overtaking the earth. We are leaving twilight soon; darkness is just around the corner for this planet! The sands of time in God’s prophetic hour glass is finishing up! This nation is darting towards its prophetic destiny! So likewise is the world! Isa. 17:12-13 reveals the modern age of traffic, airships, supersonic inventions, etc. The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters! It says a multitude shall make a noise like the noise of the sea! It is called, the rushing of nations!” – This gives a perfect description of the last days, and that God would rebuke them like a rolling thing before the whirlwind! It reveals the nations as being very busy and enterprising! World trade is just on the horizon; and much is already started. – Dan. 12:4 pictured this age of super knowledge and running to and fro! – In the future the age will open up to even greater marvels. Mankind is on the threshold of a new age that will push it into one world government suddenly!” Click Here to read more!
THE HOLY SPIRIT UNCTIONS ME TO PUT THIS SCRIPTURE HERE! HAB. 2:2-3, "Write the vision, make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it! (In other words let's get our work done there is just a short time left!) For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry!" We are in the tarrying time now to get our work done! (Matt. 25) Because in our time all of these events will have taken place plus Matt. 24 and Luke 21. With all prophetic evidence it points to the coming of the Lord before this last generation ends!
Adapted from Scroll 75